The Stateless and Stateful Widget .

Falowo Olamide Elizabeth
2 min readJul 20, 2023



  • Alice: An enthusiastic Flutter developer
  • - Flutter Cookbook: A knowledgeable and helpful guide

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Act 1: The Encounter

“Alice is sitting at her desk, studying Flutter code, when Flutter Cookbook magically comes to life.”

Alice: (startled) Oh, hello there! You must be the Flutter Cookbook!

Flutter Cookbook: Indeed, I am! I’ve heard you’re diving into Flutter development. How can I assist you?

Alice: I’m a bit confused about stateless and stateful widgets. What’s the difference?

Flutter Cookbook: Ah, the classic Flutter dilemma! Let me explain through our little drama. Imagine that you’re attending a grand ball, Alice.

Alice: A grand ball? How exciting! But what does that have to do with widgets?

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Act 2: The Grand Ball

“Alice closes her eyes and visualizes herself at a magnificent ballroom.”

Alice: (elated) I’m here at the grand ball, Flutter Cookbook. Look at all the people and the enchanting atmosphere!

Flutter Cookbook: Excellent! Now, picture yourself as a stateless widget. You’re elegantly dressed, mingling with the guests, and purely focused on showcasing your charm.

Alice: So, as a stateless widget, I don’t have any internal state and only provide a visual representation?

Flutter Cookbook: Exactly! Stateless widgets are immutable and don’t change over time. They receive their configuration and render accordingly. Just like you, gracefully attending the ball without altering your appearance.

Alice: I see! But what about stateful widgets?

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Act 3: The Dance Floor Drama

“The grand ball transforms into a lively dance floor with couples twirling around Alice and Flutter Cookbook.”

Alice: (trying to keep up with the dance) This dance floor is quite disorderly .

Flutter Cookbook: That’s the perfect setting to explore stateful widgets. Imagine yourself as a stateful widget now.

Alice: Alright, I’m in the middle of the dance floor, twirling and spinning. But how does that relate to stateful widgets?

Flutter Cookbook: As a stateful widget, you have internal state. You can change your appearance or behavior during the dance, reacting to various events and updates.

Alice: So, stateful widgets allow me to maintain and update my internal state while the dance continues?

Flutter Cookbook: Absolutely! Stateful widgets are mutable and can be updated over time, responding to user interactions, network responses, or any other trigger.

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Act 4: The Flutter Enlightenment

“The dance floor fades away, and Alice and Flutter Cookbook return to the cozy study.”

Alice: (in deep thoughts ) I understand now. Stateless widgets are like attending a grand ball, showcasing my charm without changing, while stateful widgets are like dancing, reacting and evolving throughout the performance.

Flutter Cookbook: You’ve got it! Choosing between stateless and stateful widgets depends on whether you need to maintain internal state or simply represent visual elements. Remember, Flutter offers both options for maximum flexibility in building your apps.

Alice: Thank you, Flutter Cookbook! This drama has truly enlightened me. I’ll apply this knowledge to my Flutter projects.

Flutter Cookbook: My pleasure, Alice! Feel free to consult me anytime you need guidance. Happy Fluttering!

-Curtain Falls-

